Constructing a Life Closer to Christ

This week, on the Why We Believe show, I had the amazing opportunity to speak with Anurat Kaeocha. Anurat was the architect in charge of constructing the Bangkok Thailand Temple. He was able to share his story with us as he told us about his experience converting to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Throughout the whole experience, he witnessed various miracles and times when God really made Himself known as a presence in Anurat’s life.
Today we will be going over the most important parts of what it is like to come closer to Christ and to really let Him into our lives. Through having faith, choosing to repent, deciding to get baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and continuing in faith as you embrace the gospel in your life.
Faith in Christ
Choosing to have faith in Christ is the first step in constructing a Christ-centered life because He is the foundation of all we do in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not only is it His church, but following His example will help us as we choose to invite Him into our lives.
To have faith is more than just something you say. It is shown and utilized through our actions. When you have faith that the weatherman was right and that it is going to rain tomorrow, you take an umbrella. Likewise, when you hear the teachings of Christ and choose to have faith in Him, you make changes in your life that align with what He teaches.
This could look like anything from stopping smoking, choosing to do the dishes for your spouse, or taking the time to study your scriptures every day or more often than you had the day before. Christ teaches us a higher law that we can live by. He holds His followers to a higher standard. As a result, we can choose to rise to the occasion and live our lives in a way that exemplifies a follower of Jesus Christ.
The Process of Repentance
The scriptures teach that repentance is asking forgiveness from God for our sins. Because of Jesus Christ and His Atonement, we can have this divine gift as an active part of our lives. Christ suffered for our sins on the cross and in the Garden of Gethsemane. In doing so, we can become clean and free from our sins.
Repentance is both an act of faith and something God, through His holy prophets, has commanded us to do. It all starts with understanding what you have done is wrong and asking God to be forgiven. After that, you work in doing everything within your power to make reparations and not to do those things again.
One of the most beautiful things about repentance is that you can always try again. We are all human and, thus, prone to failure and accidents. Christ, as the one who has already suffered and atoned for our sins, understands exactly how hard or how long it takes for us to overcome these things. So, no matter what, he completely understands who you are, where you’re at, what you can do, and how you can grow.
The Choice to be Baptized
As you read, study, ponder, and apply Christ's teachings as you live your life and actively choose to follow Him, the decision to be baptized as a member of His church helps us build our spiritual foundation on Him. When you choose to be baptized, you choose to take upon yourself the name of Christ, keep His commandments, and serve Him to the end.
When you are baptized, all your sins are washed away. You are cleansed from all your past sins. As we live life, we continue to make mistakes and slip up sometimes, but each week, as we take the sacrament, we can renew our covenants and try to do better than the week before. As we continue on our path to discipleship, you may only get baptized once, but the covenant you make will last your whole life and beyond.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost
After we have been baptized, we are blessed to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to be with us as our constant companion, guide, comforter, and protector. The Holy Ghost is a guide who will never lead us astray. He communicates with us through a still, small voice, and it is up to us to choose to follow it or not. We also need to learn for ourselves what actions we take to invite the Holy Ghost or drive him away.
As you choose to live in a way that invites the Holy Ghost, you will feel peace and joy. Life will still be hard and, at times, complicated. People in your life will still pass away, and people will still get sick. But your life experiences are for you. No one else can live your life or progress in life for you. And having the Holy Ghost by your side can make all the difference in the world when you choose to let him be your guide.
Don't Stop There
Coming closer to Christ and constructing your foundation in Him is only the beginning. Whatever you do, always start with faith in Christ, look for ways you can improve, and choose to let Christ lead you and understand how His Atonement works for you in your life.
This week, I invite you to ponder ways you can revisit these four principles. See what the Spirit is trying to communicate with you and act on it. Nothing can bring you closer to Christ than actively choosing to reach out to Him because He is reaching right back.
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode of Why We Believe. If you are interested in more like this, you can check out our other blogs and episodes here.
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