From Iranian Prison to Divine Purpose

In a world where faith often seems at odds with academic pursuits, Shima Baughman's story stands as a powerful testament to how divine intervention can shape not just personal belief, but groundbreaking research. From her family's dramatic escape from Iran to her current role as a BYU law professor, Baughman's journey illustrates the transformative power of faith in unexpected ways.
What began with her mother's prophetic dream in an Iranian prison has evolved into a life dedicated to understanding and sharing how faith impacts society's deepest challenges. As a researcher at the Wheatley Institute, Baughman's work reveals the surprising effectiveness of faith-based approaches to criminal justice reform and addiction recovery.
Her story challenges conventional wisdom about the intersection of faith and academia, demonstrating how spiritual insights can inform and enhance scholarly research. Through her unique lens as both a former Muslim and a convert to Christianity, Baughman offers fresh perspectives on how divine guidance can transform lives on both personal and societal levels.
A Mother's Dream to Divine Reality
In the darkness of an Iranian political prison, a dream flickered like a beacon of hope. Shima's mother, serving a 10-year sentence for advocating democracy and religious freedom, saw herself flying over autumn-colored trees in America. At the time, this vision seemed impossible - she was only two and a half years into her imprisonment, with Iran's borders becoming increasingly restrictive during the Iran-Iraq war.
Divine intervention arrived through unexpected channels. Shima's father, a neurosurgeon serving in the Iranian military, performed a crucial procedure for a high-ranking religious leader. This connection led to her mother's early release, and the family secured seats on one of the last planes leaving Iran in 1986. Their destination was UCLA, where another miracle awaited them in the form of a persistent nurse who followed a spiritual prompting.
This nurse, after ignoring the prompting twice, finally invited the Muslim family to a Christmas party. There, Shima's mother discovered a pamphlet about eternal families that would change their lives forever. She began meeting with missionaries, and within a year, both mother and daughter were baptized. When their application for political asylum was granted, they found themselves permanently in a land where they could freely practice their newfound faith - the exact scene from that prison dream years before.
Research and Revelation
Through years of studying the criminal justice system, Shima found herself confronting an unexpected truth. While policy changes and legal reforms showed limited success, faith-based programs consistently demonstrated the highest effectiveness in rehabilitation. Her research revealed that organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous succeeded where other interventions failed, primarily because of their spiritual foundation.
At the Wheatley Institute, her work began proving what her heart already knew - religion benefits society in measurable ways. The data showed that people of faith were healthier, less depressed, and more engaged in their communities. In Utah's prisons, religious volunteers led the charge in rehabilitation efforts, with various faith groups working together to transform lives.
Most compelling was the discovery that faith's impact transcended religious boundaries. Whether through decreased rates of heart disease, lower depression rates, or higher community involvement, the data consistently showed that active religious participation created positive societal change. This revelation bridged the gap between her academic research and personal faith journey.
The Temple's Transformative Power
What began as a desperate attempt to save a struggling marriage became a spiritual addiction that transformed their relationship. During one of their fights, Shima's husband suggested weekly temple attendance - a commitment that seemed logistically impossible with young children and busy careers. Yet something about the suggestion resonated deeply.
The transformation was profound and immediate. Even on days when they arrived at the temple mid-argument, they would leave hand in hand, their perspective shifted from temporal frustrations to eternal companionship. Week after week, the sacred space provided not just resolution to their conflicts, but a deeper understanding of their eternal journey together.
This weekly practice proved so essential that when temples closed during COVID-19, they felt the absence acutely. What started as a one-year experiment became an irreplaceable pillar of their marriage, demonstrating how consistent spiritual practices can transform relationships from the inside out.
Trust in Divine Timing
After a complicated fourth pregnancy that left Shima unable to walk, the couple felt strongly that another child awaited their family. Multiple rounds of IVF with surrogates proved unsuccessful, leading to years of frustration and questioning. Yet through this challenging journey, they learned profound lessons about surrendering to divine timing.
The breakthrough came when they shifted their prayers from desperately seeking their desired outcome to asking for whatever miracle God had in store. This surrender, combined with physical healing and President Nelson's teaching about expecting miracles, led to a natural pregnancy that brought them their fifth child.
Their years of waiting served a greater purpose, allowing for important life changes including Shima's career transition to BYU. This experience taught them that God's delays often accommodate multiple threads of our lives, weaving together a tapestry more beautiful than we could have designed ourselves.
Embracing Divine Purpose
As we reflect on Shima Baughman's inspiring journey from Iran to America, we are reminded of the profound impact that spiritual principles can have on our lives. Her story challenges us to view success not just in terms of academic achievements or professional accolades but through the lens of divine timing and eternal purpose.
Each of us has the potential to witness miracles in our lives when we align our will with God's plan. By embracing the power of faith and continuous spiritual practices, we open ourselves to a higher level of purpose and fulfillment. This perspective can transform the way we approach our challenges, our relationships, and our personal growth.
True success isn't measured by worldly standards but by how well we surrender our plans to God's timing. By choosing to trust in divine guidance, maintain faith during trials, and serve others, we can each create a life of purpose, joy, and lasting impact.
Let us strive to see our lives through a spiritual lens, always remembering that we are part of something greater than ourselves. As we do so, we'll find that our challenges become more manageable, our prayers more powerful, and our lives more fulfilling. After all, when we align our will with God's will, as Shima's journey shows, there's no limit to the miracles we can witness in our lives.
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