Posted on Sep 13, 2024

Shooting with Lexi Lagan: A Journey of Faith, Joy, and Perseverance

Shooting with Lexi Lagan: A Journey of Faith, Joy, and Perseverance

In this week’s episode of Why We Believe, Lexi Lagan, a two-time Olympian, shared her incredible journey from a small-town Nevada girl to an internationally recognized Olympic shooter. Having competed in the Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024 Olympics, Lexi has risen to prominence in the shooting sports world, but her journey hasn’t been solely about medals and accolades. She speaks candidly about how her unwavering faith in Jesus Christ has guided her through life's trials and triumphs.


Born in Boulder City, Nevada, Lexi came from a close-knit family and pursued a physics and political science degree at the University of Utah. While her academic journey was impressive, her athletic career soon took center stage, leading her to Colorado Springs, where she began training as a professional shooter. But Lexi’s story is not just about athletic prowess—it’s about how faith and perseverance have shaped her into the resilient, driven woman she is today. 


This blog post will explore four core areas of Lexi’s faith journey: finding strength in Jesus Christ, leaning on prayer in difficult moments, understanding the role of divine timing, and experiencing joy through adversity. Each section will explore how her faith has intertwined with her Olympic career and personal life, inspiring readers to incorporate faith into their own daily experiences.

1. Finding Strength in Jesus Christ

Lexi’s journey as an Olympic athlete has been deeply intertwined with her faith in Jesus Christ. From a young age, she recognized that her athletic abilities were gifts that needed to be nurtured, not just for personal success, but as a way to glorify God. Through her many achievements, Lexi credits her strength, perseverance, and resilience to her reliance on Jesus Christ.


Throughout her training and competitions, Lexi found that whenever she strengthened her spiritual relationship, her shooting performances would improve as well. She realized that the more she leaned into her faith and sought strength from Jesus, the easier it became to face challenges in her sport. Whether it was a tough training day or a high-pressure competition, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace and capability when she centered her thoughts on Christ. 


Her time competing on the world stage wasn’t always smooth sailing. One particularly challenging moment occurred during her trip to New Delhi for a World Cup competition when she was stuck in a potentially dangerous situation due to political unrest. Despite the chaos, Lexi turned to prayer, finding solace in her unshakable belief that God was watching over her. This profound trust in Jesus Christ provided her with the calm and strength to navigate uncertainty with grace.

2. Leaning on Prayer in Difficult Moments

For Lexi, prayer has been an essential part of her daily routine, especially during moments of uncertainty or fear. In her Olympic journey, Lexi frequently encountered situations where the stakes were high, and the pressure was overwhelming. However, she consistently turned to prayer as a way to find peace and connect with God in those critical moments.


One of the most viral moments of her career came from a photograph of her praying before stepping onto the shooting line at the Tokyo Olympics. This image captured the essence of Lexi’s reliance on God—before competing, she doesn’t pray to win, but rather for comfort, guidance, and the reminder that He is always with her, regardless of the outcome. Her prayer was a moment of grounding and reflection, helping her stay focused on what truly mattered: her relationship with Christ.


During the interview, Lexi also recounted a terrifying experience while stranded in New Delhi amidst escalating political tension. Rather than succumbing to fear, she prayed for comfort and protection. Lexi’s faith assured her that she was being watched over and that her Heavenly Father was with her every step of the way. It was through prayer that she found the strength to face each challenge with a calm and steadfast heart.

3. Understanding the Role of Divine Timing

Lexi’s life is a testament to divine timing—how every event, no matter how unexpected, aligns with God’s plan. One of the most significant instances of this was how she met her husband during a simple mini-golf outing with friends. At the time, Lexi had no idea that this casual event would lead her to the love of her life. Yet, as she looked back, she saw that everything happened according to God’s perfect timing.


Even in moments of professional uncertainty, Lexi trusted that God had a plan for her. She shared a story of how her funding was unexpectedly cut just two weeks before Christmas, leaving her with the prospect of homelessness. Instead of despairing, Lexi leaned on her faith, trusting that God would provide. Through the support of friends and her own resourcefulness, she found a way forward, and the experience only strengthened her resolve. 


Lexi encourages listeners to trust in the process, even when the road seems difficult. She emphasizes that God’s plan may not always align with our personal expectations, but it is always for our greater good. By focusing on the bigger picture and trusting in divine timing, Lexi was able to turn setbacks into opportunities for growth, both in her personal life and career.

4. Experiencing Joy Through Adversity

A common misconception is that faith in Jesus Christ eliminates the challenges and hardships of life. Lexi’s story shows that while challenges are inevitable, faith offers a path to experience joy even amidst adversity. Despite facing numerous personal and professional struggles, Lexi has always found joy in her relationship with Christ.


Lexi speaks openly about how the church has been a guiding light in her life, teaching her the difference between happiness and joy. While happiness is often fleeting, tied to circumstances, joy is a deep, abiding feeling rooted in faith and the knowledge of God’s love. This joy has carried her through some of the most difficult moments of her life, including the pressures of competing on the world stage, financial struggles, and moments of fear.


Reflecting on her journey, Lexi emphasizes that joy comes from recognizing how deeply God loves each individual. Despite the millions of people on Earth, she feels a personal connection with her Heavenly Father, who knows her by name and has guided her steps every day of her life. This recognition fuels the joy that she carries with her, even during the toughest times.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

Lexi Lagan’s story is a powerful reminder of how faith, prayer, and trust in God’s plan can shape a life filled with joy, perseverance, and purpose. Her journey from a small-town girl to an Olympic athlete is not just a tale of athletic achievement but of spiritual growth and reliance on Christ. Lexi’s ability to turn to Jesus in times of triumph and trial has enabled her to navigate life’s challenges with grace, resilience, and unwavering faith.


If you feel inspired by Lexi’s story, consider taking steps to invite Christ into your daily life. Here are some simple ways to start:


  • Dedicate a few minutes each day to prayer, asking for guidance and strength in your personal journey.
  • Reflect on moments of hardship and look for how God’s hand has guided you, even when the outcome wasn’t what you expected.
  • Share your faith with others, just as Lexi did with her husband, and encourage those around you to seek a relationship with Christ.


As Lexi’s story shows, finding strength in Christ can transform every aspect of your life—whether you’re striving for an Olympic gold or simply navigating the challenges of daily life.

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