Posted on Oct 04, 2024

Faith Through Loss and Challenges

Faith Through Loss and Challenges

Elizabeth Nielson has a powerful story of faith. As an instructional designer, podcast host, and mentor for LDS women, Elizabeth has dedicated her life to helping others find joy through faith and spiritual growth. Her journey, marked by profound loss and personal challenges, serves as a testament to the power of unwavering belief and the strength found in choosing faith, even in the darkest of times.


In this blog post, we'll explore Elizabeth's journey and the valuable lessons she's learned about staying close to Christ when life becomes difficult and complicated. Her experiences offer hope and guidance to anyone facing similar struggles, demonstrating how faith can be a beacon of light in the midst of life's storms.

Choosing Faith in the Face of Loss

Elizabeth's journey of faith began early in life when she faced the devastating loss of her mother at the age of 16. This experience became a defining moment in her spiritual journey. When her father gathered the family to share the news of her mother's cancer diagnosis, he made a crucial decision that would shape Elizabeth's perspective on faith and adversity.


Instead of succumbing to anger or blame, Elizabeth's father chose to put his trust in the Lord. He taught his children that in times of trial, they can choose to submit their will to God's plan.This taught her that no matter what happens in life, we always have the choice to turn towards faith rather than away from it.


As she navigated the difficult years of her mother's illness, she learned valuable lessons about the nature of faith and prayer. As time passed, she came to understand that true faith isn't about getting what we want, but about trusting in God's plan for our lives.


When Elizabeth was 14 years old she made the conscious decision to change her prayers. Instead of pleading for her mother's recovery, she found the courage to pray for acceptance of God's will. This helped her realize that God's plan isn't about making our lives perfect, but about helping us become perfect so we can dwell with Him.

Maintaining Faith in Marriage

One of the most challenging tests of Elizabeth's faith came when her husband, after six years of marriage, decided to leave the church and abandon his belief in God. This situation, which Elizabeth refers to as becoming a "spiritual widow," has been an ongoing challenge for nearly two decades.


Despite the difficulties, Elizabeth's response to this trial demonstrates the power of a faith deeply rooted in Christ. When faced with her husband's decision, she was grateful for the strong testimony she had already developed. Her faith, built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, the plan of salvation, and her covenants, remain unshaken even in the face of this unexpected challenge.


Elizabeth's approach to dealing with her husband's change in beliefs offers valuable insights for those in similar situations. Rather than immediately dismissing her husband's perspectives, she made a conscious effort to understand his point of view. However, she did so i a way that protected her faith:


  • She began by praying for discernment and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  • While reading the materials her husband suggested, she remained vigilant for feelings of doubt or fear.
  • If such feelings arose, she would immediately stop reading and turn to prayer.
  • She followed up her reading with dedicated study of the Book of Mormon and other scriptures.
  • She committed equal time to scripture study as she did to reading her husband's suggested materials.


This approach allowed Elizabeth to engage with her husband's concerns while safeguarding her own spiritual well-being. She discovered that the doubts and fears came quickly when reading anti-faith material, whereas the scriptures and church teachings consistently brought her peace, joy, and truth.

The Power of Covenant-Keeping

One of the most powerful lessons Elizabeth shares from her experience is the importance of staying true to one's covenants, even when a loved one chooses a different path. While it might seem supportive to step away from church involvement to align with a spouse's new beliefs. Elizabeth firmly believes that the best thing she could do for her marriage was to remain faithful to her covenants.


Her commitment to her faith has acted as a protective shield for her family, even if they don't realize it. She believes that by staying close to the Lord and inviting light and truth into her life and home, she has been blessed with the protective power of the priesthood over her family. This perspective offers hope and guidance to others facing similar challenges in their relationships.


Throughout her journey, Elizabeth has learned that staying true to one's covenants isn't just about personal devotion. It's about maintaining a lifeline for those who might one day seek to return to faith. By remaining steadfast, she's offering her husband the best chance of reconnecting with his spiritual roots through the redeeming power of Christ.

Continuing to Walk in Faith

Even with a strong personal faith, Elizabeth's journey hasn't been without moments of deep despair. She recalls feeling utterly hopeless when she visited her mother's grave on Memorial Day weekend. In that moment of complete exhaustion, all she could manage was a quiet whisper: "I guess I'll keep walking."


The following day, Elizabeth received a message from a long-time friend who had experienced a vivid dream. In the dream, the friend saw Elizabeth walking in circles and falling down, with a voice instructing the friend to help Elizabeth keep walking.


This experience reminded her that even in our darkest moments, when we feel we have nothing left to give, the Lord is aware of us and sends help. Her friend's response to this spiritual prompting has had a lasting impact.


Sometimes, when we can't find the strength to walk on our own, others can help us keep moving forward. It's a beautiful reminder that we're not meant to walk our path of faith alone.

Stay Valiant

Elizabeth Nielson's journey is a powerful testament to the strength that can be found in choosing to believe, even in the face of profound loss, personal challenges, and spiritual opposition.


Elizabeth's story reminds us that believing is, at its core, a choice we make every day. It's a choice to trust in God's love, to seek His guidance, and to keep moving forward even when the path is difficult.


Choose to believe. Choose to stay valiant in growing your faith. Put in the effort to study, pray, and draw closer to Christ. Seek out communities that support your spiritual growth. And remember, no matter how difficult life becomes, you always have the power to choose faith.

Thank you for listening to this week’s episode of Why We Believe. If you are interested in more like this, you can check out our other blog posts and episodes here.


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