Sacrificing Your Time to Serve the Lord: Lessons from a Collegiate Athlete Turned Missionary

In this week’s episode of Why We Believe, I had the pleasure of speaking with McKinley Willardson, a collegiate basketball player from Brigham Young University who has chosen to put her athletic career on hold to serve an 18-month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
McKinley's story is truly inspiring. As a freshman on BYU's women's basketball team during their inaugural season in the Big 12 conference, she had a promising future ahead of her. However, she felt called to serve a mission and made the difficult decision to pause her collegiate athletic career. McKinley's choice to sacrifice her time and talents for the Lord's work is a powerful example of faith in action.
In our conversation, we explored the blessings that come from dedicating ourselves to God's service, the challenges of making such a significant decision, and the importance of trusting in the Lord's plan for our lives. McKinley's experiences offer valuable insights for anyone considering how they can best serve the Lord and make a difference in the world.
The Power of Personal Revelation
One of the most striking aspects of McKinley's decision to serve a mission was her reliance on personal revelation. As she faced the crossroads of continuing her basketball career or embarking on a mission, McKinley turned to prayer and scripture study for guidance. This process of seeking divine direction is a crucial element in making life-changing decisions.
McKinley shared how her experiences at youth camps, such as EFY (Especially for Youth) and FSY (For the Strength of Youth), helped strengthen her testimony and develop habits of regular scripture study and prayer. These practices laid the foundation for her ability to receive personal revelation when it mattered most.
By consistently nurturing her spiritual connection through these habits, McKinley was able to feel confident in her decision to serve a mission, even when it meant stepping away from her basketball career. Her experience reminds us of the importance of cultivating our own personal relationship with God through regular spiritual practices.
Overcoming Challenges and Doubts
Making the choice to serve a mission, especially as a collegiate athlete, is not without its challenges. McKinley candidly discussed the doubts and concerns she faced during the decision-making process. She had to grapple with questions about her future in basketball, her education, and the potential impact on her long-term goals.
Despite these uncertainties, McKinley found strength in her faith and the support of her family and spiritual mentors. She recognized that the temporary sacrifice of her athletic pursuits would yield eternal blessings and opportunities for growth. This perspective allowed her to move forward with confidence, knowing that she was following the path God had prepared for her.
McKinley's experience teaches us that it's normal to face doubts and challenges when making significant life decisions, especially those related to serving the Lord. However, by staying grounded in our faith and seeking guidance through prayer and scripture study, we can find the courage to overcome these obstacles and follow the promptings we receive.
The Ripple Effect of Service
As we discussed McKinley's upcoming mission to Independence, Missouri, it became clear that her decision to serve would have a far-reaching impact beyond her own life. She spoke about the people she would meet and teach, recognizing that her unique experiences and personality were specifically needed in that area.
This concept of being called to serve in a particular place at a particular time highlights the divine nature of missionary work. McKinley's willingness to put her own plans on hold opens up opportunities for others to hear the gospel message and experience the joy it brings.
Moreover, McKinley's example of faith and sacrifice serves as an inspiration to her teammates, fellow students, and others who may be considering how they can best serve the Lord. By choosing to dedicate this time to missionary service, she is creating a ripple effect that will likely influence many others to examine their own lives and seek ways to serve.
Finding Joy in Sacrifice
Throughout our conversation, one theme that consistently emerged was the joy that comes from serving the Lord. Despite the challenges and sacrifices involved, McKinley expressed genuine excitement and anticipation for her mission experience.
She shared an analogy from President Uchtdorf about the Wright brothers and their father experiencing the joy of flight. This story illustrates how the joy we find in following Christ and serving others far surpasses any worldly pleasures or accomplishments. McKinley's enthusiasm for her upcoming mission was a testament to this principle.
By choosing to serve, McKinley is embracing an opportunity for personal growth, spiritual development, and the chance to bring joy to others through sharing the gospel. Her experience reminds us that true happiness comes not from pursuing our own interests but from dedicating ourselves to a higher purpose and serving others.
The Blessings of Serving the Lord
As we reflect on McKinley's decision to serve a mission and the insights she shared, it's clear that there are numerous blessings that come from sacrificing our time and efforts for the Lord's work. Here are some key benefits we can expect when we choose to serve:
1. Spiritual Growth
- Increased faith and testimony
- A deeper understanding of gospel principles
- Stronger personal relationship with God
2. Personal Development
- Enhanced communication skills
- Greater empathy and compassion for others
- Improved ability to overcome challenges
3. Eternal Perspective
- A clearer understanding of God's plan for us
- Increased focus on what truly matters in life
- Ability to see beyond temporary setbacks or sacrifices
4. Joy and Fulfillment
- Sense of purpose and meaning in life
- Happiness that comes from serving others
- Satisfaction of contributing to God's work
These blessings, among many others, make the sacrifices required to serve the Lord more than worthwhile. As McKinley's experience demonstrates, when we put our trust in God and follow His guidance, we open ourselves up to experiences and growth opportunities that far exceed our own limited plans.
A Call to Action: Seeking Your Own Path of Service
I want to encourage each of you to prayerfully consider how you can best serve in your own life. While not everyone is called to serve a full-time mission like McKinley, there are countless ways we can dedicate our time and talents to the Lord's work.
I invite you to take the following steps:
1. Pray for guidance: Ask Heavenly Father to help you understand how you can best serve Him and others. Be open to receiving answers in unexpected ways.
2. Study the scriptures: Look for examples of service in the scriptures and pay attention to any verses or stories that particularly resonate with you.
3. Reflect on your talents and circumstances: Consider your unique skills, experiences, and current situation. How might these be used to bless others and further the Lord's work?
4. Seek counsel from spiritual leaders: Discuss your desires to serve with your bishop, quorum and Relief Society leaders, or other trusted spiritual mentors. They may have insights or opportunities you haven't considered.
5. Start small: Remember that service doesn't always have to involve grand gestures. Look for simple ways to serve in your family, ward, or community.
6. Be willing to sacrifice: As you identify opportunities to serve, be prepared to make sacrifices of your time, comfort, or personal interests. Trust that the blessings will outweigh any temporary discomfort.
7. Act on promptings: When you feel inspired to serve in a particular way, have the courage to act on those promptings, even if they seem challenging or unconventional.
Remember, as we learned from McKinley's experience, the Lord has a unique plan for each of us. By sacrificing our time and efforts to serve Him, we open ourselves up to incredible blessings, personal growth, and the joy that comes from participating in His work.
As you embark on your own journey of service, trust in the Lord's guidance and be open to the transformative power of dedicating yourself to His purposes. Whether through formal missionary service, volunteer work, ministering to others, or finding unique ways to share your talents, your willingness to serve will not only bless others but will also bring you closer to God and help you discover your true potential as His child.
May we all find the courage and faith to follow McKinley's example and seek out ways to sacrifice our time in service to the Lord. As we do so, we'll discover that the blessings we receive far outweigh any temporary sacrifices we make, and we'll experience the deep joy and fulfillment that comes from aligning our lives with God's will.
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